Camera Registration

Voorhees Police SafeCam Program Registration information


Crime prevention is a cooperative effort between those we serve and our agency. In furtherance of the concept of community partnerships, the Voorhees Police Department is requesting residents, businesses, and organizations that have security cameras in place on their property to complete a short registration form. The registration does not give the Voorhees Police Department access to your camera system, but allows our agency to maintain a data base of active cameras in the event a crime occurs in the area. For example if a burglary occurs down the street from your property, we would know your camera may have captured an image of a vehicle or suspect that could connect us to the suspects involved in the burglary. A detective would phone you and ask to review the footage. Participating properties will receive a decal with the official Voorhees Police Safe Cam logo to display as an additional deterrent to crime.

Voorhees Police Safe Cam Registration Form

Surveillance video recorded by cameras owned by residents and businesses have resulted in the arrests of numerous criminals. Voorhees Police SafeCam is your opportunity to make Voorhees Township a safer community.


The goal of the SafeCam program is to deter crime and promote public safety through collaboration between the Voorhees Police Department and the residents and businesses we serve. Accordingly, all SafeCam registrants agree to the following terms and conditions:

Any footage containing or related to criminal activity may be collected by the Voorhees Police Department for use as evidence during any stage of a criminal proceeding.

Relevant information is reserved for official use by the Voorhees Police Department and will not be released to any member of the general public or press.

If necessary, the Voorhees Police Department will contact you directly, using the information provided on this site, to request the appropriate video surveillance footage.

Under no circumstances shall registrants construe that they are acting as an agent and/or employee of the Voorhees Police Department through the SafeCam program.

Under no circumstances shall the Voorhees Police Department utilize any information obtained to view footage/feeds directly from cameras owned by registrants.

Checking the designated box indicates acceptance of the above terms and conditions.