Chief Louis Bordi and the Voorhees Police Department has established a “Safe Exchange Zone” in the front visitor parking lot of the Voorhees Police Administration Building, located at 1180 White Horse Road. There is an area of sidewalk on the northeast corner of the visitor parking lot with yellow sidewalk markings and yellow signs marking the zone (photograph attached). The marked area is video recorded by state of the art security cameras. It should be noted that personnel are not in the police station at all times, thus it is recommended that the zones be used during normal business hours, Monday-Friday. If this is not possible, the area is recorded and routinely patrolled.
This zone has been set up as a courtesy to and for the protection of Voorhees Township residents involved in an online transaction such as a Craig’s List or Online Yard Sale purchase. We do not endorse any service and only provide this area as an added layer of safety for those residents involved in online commerce.
Voorhees Police officers will not intervene as witnesses, negotiators, or brokers. Our officers and civilian staff members are not permitted to provide legal advice or become involved in civil matters resulting from disputes over payment, quality, etc.
The exchange of any type of weapons, destructive devices, any illicit items, controlled dangerous substances, or controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia are not permitted on our property.