The Voorhees Police Department has always been a leader in the law enforcement community when it comes to a Police Canine Unit. The Voorhees Police Canine Unit has been active since the mid-1960′s and started under Chief Walter White with two patrol dog teams. The first two dog handlers were Earl Odd Sr. (retired Chief of Police) and Bob Hanacek Sr. (retired Deputy Chief of Police). A short time later, Jack Prettyman (retired Deputy Chief of Police) was assigned to the canine unit when an opening became available. A training Facility was constructed behind Police Headquarters where the officers and their partners honed their skills for patrol work. Voorhees Police even hosted the first East Coast Police Dog Trial for the United States Police Canine Association.
The current canine unit, under the direction of Chief Louis Bordi, is larger than it has ever been. The unit consists of four dog teams trained in patrol work and narcotics detection. Chief Bordi has shown great support for the canine unit by making training a priority and selecting the very best schools available.
These groups of officers and their K-9 partners have been responsible for the seizure of pounds and pounds of illegal narcotics and the capture of many suspects in the commission of crimes. They have served police departments in the entire Camden County area and surrounding counties. They have competed in several Regional and National Field Trials sponsored by the United States Police Canine Association (U.S.P.C.A.) and have been awarded top honors for their achievements.
The Voorhees Police Department was the proud host of the U.S.P.C.A. Region #15, Police Dog I Trial in the spring of 1999. This regional competition attracted close to (50) canine patrol teams from five (5) different states. This weekend event is just one example of the hard work and dedication that is commonplace for the members of the current canine unit.